Saturday, August 8, 2009

Princess Hairstyle-A Down Hairdo

The Princess was wanting her hair down today "like a Princess." How fitting, right?
No rhyme or reason to this hairstyle really. You could do the parts a jillion different ways. We have another variation of this same type of style that turned out really cute. I'll get it posted as well at some point.

This time I parted out a piece in front and made two twists directly behind. (Add a temporary clip to keep the twists from unraveling for a minute.)
girls long hairstyleI then took a small section behind the twists to use as an anchor and secured it with an elastic on the other side. At this point, you can start parting and twisting pieces on the other side of the part and tie them in to the anchor pony with elastics all the way down.
The princess loves these little claw clips and wanted to use them, so we stuck one on each elastic for some added bling.
Now, you can take out your clip holding the twists on the other side, bring the twists around her head, and add them in with the claw clips
With the hair left out in front, I just slicked it down and tied it in with a little piece of hair and an elastic underneath (behind her ear) to help keep it out of her face.

hairstyles for girls I recently "trimmed" her hair myself (again.) You would think I would learn my lesson and take her to the salon. (I'm not the best hair cutter.) Long story short, I ended up cutting off 4-5 inches! It's too bad because we're planning on donating her hair to locks of love when she finally decides she's ready for a shorter hairstyle. It's okay, I don't think she'll want to cut it for awhile. She loves her long hair will grow back.

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