A fun woven headband hairstyle for a little girl or teen!
Start by making a part from ear to ear and 8 small ponytails. 4 in the front, 4 directly behind.

Take the ponytail in the front/left and make 2 twists. Then split the 3rd ponytail from the left (in the front) in half and make 2 more twists with one of the halves. Combine those 4 twists together with the ponytail 2nd from the left in the back. (With another elastic.) Whew! That sounds confusing even though it shouldn't be. :)

Now take the second ponytail from the left, in the front and split it in half. Make 2 twists with one of the halves and weave them both through your first set of twists over to the ponytail in the back/left. Notice that the first woven twist goes under first then over. The second twist goes over first and then under. Just make sure they are woven through opposite ways.

Make 2 twists with the hair in the ponytail in the front/right. Also take the leftover half from the 2nd ponytail in the front and weave it through the twists in the middle. Combine those 4 twists with the ponytail 2nd from the right in the back.
After that you should just have one half of a ponytail left in the front. Twist it up into 2 pieces and weave it over to the back/right ponytail.

This hairdo really isn't as hard as my instructions have made it sound! Plus it held up for 2 days. Love that! If you wanted to braid the pieces instead of twisting them, you could do that too. I think it would look really pretty. I just like the twists because they are quicker for me.

I've got another one using this same concept ready to go, only it's much quicker/simpler. I'm hoping to have time to post it next week for you.
Hope you're all having a nice summer!
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