Thursday, July 15, 2010

Want To Learn This Braid?

This "7 strand woven braid" is one of our all time favorite braids! And yes, I did say SEVEN strands lol. It's surprisingly easy though (easier than it looks anyway.) We actually use it a lot but I've never posted it before because it's just too hard to explain the plaits in pictures. Well, we (finally) got a new camera that records for more than 60 seconds, YAY. So I just might consider trying to do a video on it if some of you want to learn. I was actually planning on finding a tutorial and linking you to it (that would be a lot easier!) But I've searched and searched and haven't been able to find instructions anywhere.
7 strand plaitSo... anyone interested in learning this one? Or maybe you already know how to do a 7 strand braid, or wouldn't use it? Let me know in the comments.
7 strand braidWhat do you think? Yea or Nay?

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